Human is a beautiful creation among all creations on this Mother Earth. Human is bestowed with a greater knowledge which most of the animals are denied with. These intellectual and morals differentiate him apart from animals. We men/ women still have a beast inside us, whose presence we can feel by the growing hair, nails and our unnecessary anger. We groom and dress our self not only to look good but for hiding the beast in us. We live in groups called us family. In the family, the individual abandons some of his specific features to become a member of the whole. Many such families together as groups make the society as an entity. A person's whole intellectual make-up bears the clear imprint of the life of society as a whole. All his practical activities are individual expressions of the historically formed social practice of humanity.
The level of individual development is an indicator of the level of development of society, and vice versa. But the individual does not dissolve into society. He retains his unique and independent individuality and makes his contribution to the social whole; just as society itself shapes human beings, so human beings shape society. Society is the human being in his social relations, and every human being is an individual embodiment of social relations, a product not only of the existing social system but of all world history. He absorbs what has been accumulated by the centuries and passed on through traditions. Modern man carries within himself all the ages of history and all his own individual ages as well. His personality is a concentration of various strata of culture. He is influenced not only by modern mass media, but also by the writings of all times and every nation. He is the living memory of history, the focus of all the wealth of knowledge, abilities, skills, and wisdom that have been amassed through the ages.Man is a kind of super-dense living atom in the system of social reality. He is a concentration of the actively creative principle in this system. Through myriads of visible and invisible impulses the fruit of people's creative thought in the past continues to nourish him and, through him, contemporary culture. Education of the society is very important as it has the power to make and break an individual, as it helps in the development of an individual's beliefs, ideologies and values.
Giddings: "Sociology is the systematic description and explanations of society viewed as a whole".
The term "Sociology" has been derived from the two words: 'societus' which means society and 'logos' which means science. Thus from etymological point of view "sociology" is "the science of society". Society is the environment in which we grow, communicate, learn and finally grow into a social animal. We don't have an existence without a society. The very difference between us and animal is our behavior and attitude. Education guides us to learn the various aspect of our society. Auguste Comte, the Father of sociology used the term "sociology" for the first time in the year 1937, while delivering a series of lectures. He introduced Sociology as a fundamental science in his book "Positive Philosophy" and employed scientific methods to collect date about mankind.

The term "Education" has been derived as the art of "leading out". "Education" "E" means "out of" and "duco" means "to lead". Education on the other hand is a dynamic concept. The significance of the meaning of education differs from person to person. It is a continuous process, which start at a particular point of life and ends at another point.
Durkheim E (1922) was the first person who indicated the need of a sociological approach to education. He believed that education is essentially social in character as well as its functions and because of this the theory of education relates more to sociology, than any other form of science.
Sociology is based upon two fundamentals:
- Each individual is born into a cultural world created by his predecessors or forefathers. This world has a continuity of existence. It appears to be independent of individuals who enter or leave this 'culture stream'.
The individual becomes, as he grow up, identified with the vast body of culture, and finds his role in it. He tries to mold and modify himself as well as his surroundings in his dealings with the world around him. Thus he becomes not an individual that he was at birth, but a person post modification. We need to be very careful while dealing with the future generation as what we teach, speak and make them aware of becomes their inner voice. It gets embedded in their mind and soul for their entire life.
Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society. It is a social science that studies society and the individual in perspective of society. The origins of sociology lie in the 19th century but during the 1960-70's, it became a major social science subject. Sociology as a field of discipline is generic and is an umbrella form in nature. It constitutes the entire attitudes behavior interaction of an individual with the society, people and environment. Most of the nature of the individual is influenced by the way he deals with others and his behavior and attitude within the society. As a field of study, the concept of sociology is very vast and broad, as it include a number of subsystems with further component parts in each for sociological considerations. Sociology is considered with the social facts in education i.e sociology examines the structural aspects of human society and the social relationship.

Educational Sociology: Educational sociology like educational psychology evolved as a discipline to prepare educators for their future tasks. It uses the results of sociological researches and surveys for planning educational activities and developing effective methods of realizing these plans.
Sociology of Education: Sociology of education can be defined as the scientific analysis of the social processes and social patterns that are involved in the educational system.
Hence, we can conclude that sociology and education are related. As mentioned by Dewey in "My Pedagogical Creed" (1897)- School is primarily a social institution, education being a social process.
What's done to children, they will do to society.
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