Thursday, October 27, 2016


 Values are the integral part of personal philosophy of life of human being. Values are nurtured by habits in our everyday life. Values as principles and fundamental convictions are abstractions until they are applied in the contexts of daily life. Values are made real or realized based on the choices made and behaviors acted out. Our values are the selves we are becoming. There are different kinds of values which people acquire and support to different degrees and the value profile of one person differs from the value profile of another person.

Values have been classified in various ways:
Intrinsic values: Intrinsic values include the values which we value as such because of their intrinsic properties. These include truth, beauty, peace, goodness, happiness, bliss etc.

  1. Truth: Truth or truthfulness is an innate feeling. It comes by focus and focus comes by good attitude and feelings. Being true to self and others will take us close to God.
  2. Beauty: Beauty is again innate feeling. Beauty of heart make an individual blessed by the goodness of God.
  3. Peace: Peace is the purposeful, innate value which should always be their in an individual to help him in balancing his emotional sense. Unless peace is maintained, man does all things which are of no sense. At whatever point of time or life with good living and prestigious job, peace is a must. Peace should be established with generous and forgiveness nature. People can have sound physical and emotional health only if they have peace of mind. 
  4. Goodness: Goodness is related with the inner sense. Goodness connects us directly to God. As God is good, it helps as to build a bond of goodness and takes us to perfection. God teaches us to work with goodness even in the bad situations and this should be manifested in human. 
  5. Happiness: Happiness always depend upon external circumstances. The people around us and our inner peace determine the level of our happiness. Other Intrinsic values like truth, beauty, peace, goodness also influence happiness. Goodness and other criteria leads to happiness. In case of deprivation leads to bad physical and mental health. 
  6. Bliss: Bliss is the fruit of happiness. A blissful person often shares his happiness with others to make others happy. Even if bliss is shared, it makes the person unique. A person who does not act accordingly, is unproductive, disturbed and have illusion over things and objects.  
    Comparison between Instrumental and Intrinsic values: Instrumental values are better as can be used to get something else. Intrinsic values are not exchangeable and they have innate values of self.


Online Classes Guidelines

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